Monday, May 14, 2012

Summer Lovin'

211. I have had a minor set back. But, now that I'm out of school, much less stressed out, and got a YMCA membership for my birthday, I'm turning things around. I am still choosing healthier lifestyle choices, but my family's addiction to candy brings me back to my demons. I must overcome my cravings and gain some self control if I want to make a change. I have a wedding to attend in exactly 32 days. I want to fit back into some of my dresses for the event and I want to look hott again. So, here's to summer lovin': Loving for the gym and some dieting.

Much Love,

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Exactly So Long Ago...

Exactly one month ago, I was still fulfilling my promise to myself to get serious about losing weight. Today, I am faltering with this idea and its causing me internal conflict. Somewhere in the past month I have lost sight of what I want, long term.

The short term has stolen the show and now I'm stuck FURTHER back than where I started. It is wretched.

Exactly one year ago I was 25 pounds lighter.

I am so frusturated with myself for losing that motivation.

Keeping up with everything I want is almost impossible. I suppose I need to prioritize then... But how does one go about prioritizing their life, when everything seems important?

I recently had minor surgery so I am in no mood to try to exercise, but every time I'm home on break is when these outbursts of motivations and cries for help surface.

I know when I go back in 3 days, I will still have this motivation; but when will I lose it again? When work gets overwhelming? When my fraternity because over-bearing? When school starts to swallow me whole? I wish I could get everything straight and I had a schedule that I could follow everyday. But it seems I cannot make myself work that way.

At least I don't think so.... Maybe I should schedule out my days and STICK to it.

Sticking to stuff, unless your gum or glue, is a challenging job. Keeping up with your original intentions is one of the best tests of time.

I wish I could find a way to rejuvenate my self-motivation everyday. Like a refresh button that I push every morning to get myself going on the right path. No divergence from my goal: weight loss success, school success, organizational success.

Simple enough.

Yeah Right.

Well, from this I will make a schedule and start every morning the same. Some sort of exercise. Maybe a couple's workout Tu/Th and on M/W/F I'll go to a morning yoga class, or lift weights.

My goal of 2 pounds per week was crap. I truthfully haven't lost any weight. I've actually gained a couple. It blows. Big time. But I can admit that my mind set toward food as altered. I take note of everything I eat and I consciously make efforts to find a healthy or well balanced meal.

So success there.

Now to follow through with the kicker and lose this lousy weight. I can't wait to feel sexy again, like I did my senior year of High school. Graduating was one of the best things, health wise, to ever happen to me.

I shall now go and make my schedule, complete some school work to put me ahead of the grind, and continue to try to look fondly upon my life.

Best of Wishes,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I watched the Sun rise in the gym

So, I tried posting from my phone this morning, while actually at the gym but somehow my text didn't go through. ..

But I will inform you now of my adventures this morning.

So, last night I was bound and determined to work out this morning. But I had a Communications performance, and before that I was to volunteer at our Campus' career fair. So, if I wanted to work out I was going to have to get up and exercise and shower all before 9am...


I am NOT a morning person by all means, but last night was the most motivated I have been in a long time. So------
This morning I woke up at 6:30, only pushed my snooze button TWICE (Success) and wandered over to the gym. It almost feels like a haze now. 6 hours ago. Damn. That is normally half my day. So, I did 20 minutes of cardio and then I REALLY wanted to lift weights today, so I spent the remainder of my time pumping that iron. By the end, I felt so good and accomplished that it has sent a fantastic pace for the rest of my day.

Here is my text that I tried to send at 6:59 (CT)am.
"it is 7 in the morning and I'm at the gym. go me!

i have been so busy this week that I have had little time to work out. so i went to bed early last night and got motivated to wake up and go sweat!

more posts to come.


So proud.

I feel I might set a standard of this time so I can try to work out everyday, even the days I have class at 9, instead of 10:30. I feel like I am starting to get back on track after several weeks of being a lazy bum.

I appreciate all your reads and support!


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Little Bits of Motivation (From You!)

In the last 12 days, I have not gone to the gym. This is a huge failure on my behalf. But, I'm realizing some things and after looking back on how easily it is to fall back into an unhealthy routine, it has got me fired-up again to kick some gym butt.

But, I just keep contemplating how I got so easily stuck in a non-gym rut. I had some organizational obligations for several mornings last week, but I could have easily gone to the gym in the evening. I had time to go to an aerobics class, but I couldn't muster up the energy to make it.

One thing that I have reflected on is how important my support system is to keeping up with my goals and wanted lifestyle. My morning work-out buddy and I (we'll admit) let each other slide, and therefore we both decided it was acceptable to continue missing morning workouts. 

Today we had lunch and my friend got on my ass about calling off so many workouts. I adore her for this feature. I'll admit I cancelled because I was too tired etc., but she wasn't taking my crappy excuses anymore.

Tomorrow we have a solid commitment to go work out again for the first time in almost two weeks. Good grief. Two whole weeks and I was starting to notice things go back to how they were before I started working out consistently in Mid-December. My acne on my face started acting up again, and I am feeling very edgy and moody lately as well.

I hate this feeling and what the lack of exercise is doing to me! It is like my body was going into withdraw from the missing workouts. But I loved seeing results from working out. Even if they were weight-loss results, they were still positive things that made me feel good: Having a clear face and just feeling good about life because of the numerous endorphins! I love me some endorphins! 

On another note--
I received a facebook message from an old high school friend today who praised my blog and thanked me for being her motivation to start working out at her own campus. She claimed that I had inspired her so much through this blog that she worked-out for the first time in her life. What Fantastic News! She said she felt great every time she worked out and she had falling in love with it.

It makes me glow to hear things like this from my readers. I receive compliments from my friends, fraternity brothers, and family as well as to the inspiration my blog brings and that is just another thing I feed back into myself in order to keep this project going. Knowing that I am putting myself out there and people are actually taking my posting to heart makes me feel so good about myself.

So, though I took an unexcused 2 week hiatus from my weight-loss workouts, Tomorrow I plan to get back on the horse and charge back at the plan. Even though I did falter a little, I don't see it as a reason to stop. Things happen and I know that I will have everyone's support even if I do take accidental hiatuses. 

Thank you Readers, for you are the fire to this blog and my on-going fight,

(P.S. I am still anti-editing and proof reading, my apologies intelligent friends)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Classes, new Take.

Greetings Blog World.

So, it has been many a days since my last purposeful post. And some things have been changed with my routine for weight loss, but other things remain stagnant.

First of all, my workout schedule last week got a little botched because of extracurricular commitments in the morning to where my workout buddy and I didn't meet Monday, Wednesday, or Friday morning. BUT, on the other hand, I made it to two workout classes this past week, even though I came down with some sinus/cold like symptoms for the first half of the week.

The first class was on Wednesday and was called Turbo Kick. Now... mind you, even though I have been trying to kick-butt in the gym, I am still not "In shape" at all. Ergo, this class sounded like hell and I knew going into it that the next day would not be a pretty sight. And I was correct on all levels. Thursday, I was a gimp. My legs were so stiff, and it hurt so much to climb the four flights of stairs to my dorm room. But.. I did not chicken out of the stairs that day by taking the elevator. I owned those stairs each and every time I went up them. Also, the turbo kick class involved punching and my arms are the least fit of my body and therefore I felt a new kind of sore. Arm soreness.

When lifting weights, I never try to go too far beyond my capabilities in order to not hurt myself.

Somehow, though, this class proved to me that I can handle much more than what I push myself through.

The second class I attended was called Hip Hop Cardio. I expected this class to be like Zumba, only hip hop instead of Latin dance. I was right. And after the class, though it was much less strenuous than the Turbo Kick, I felt somewhat defeated. I found out after this class that I can no longer go after my dream of being a dancer. I cannot dance. For the life of me. Especially not Hip Hop. Oh Lordy, was it embarrassing. But I sweat A LOT, so it was worth the humiliation.

I found I work much harder during these classes and I walk away much more winded and drenched with sweat. I enjoy these classes much more too, because I'm surrounded  by people with the same intentions as me.

From now on, I plan to still work out in the mornings with my friend, but I also want to start scheduling time for these fun and engaging classes offered by my University Recreational Center.

To those on college campuses who are reading this, please remember that your gym offers these wonderful opportunities and you should utilize its facilities to the fullest!!

Till next time,

(P.S. I did not proof read or edit this post. It is Pure Writing and Posting... Sorry, I'm just not in the mood.)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Girl look at that body.

Girl look at that body.

Girl look at that body.

I Work-Out!

-Indeed I do.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A new Semester.


So, I'm back at school now, and have been since Sunday evening. Getting back into the swing of things wasn't too bad this semester, but all the chaos did prevent me from going to the gym for a couple days. Until today! I got done with classes, sat down to do some work and realized I couldn't focus. But I thought of something that would hopefully get me back to the grind --- The Gym!

It was my first visit to the University gym with my new knowledge of working out and with a new attitude as well... But let me tell you something... going to a University gym by yourself at the start of prime work-out time is scary shit. I had NEVER been in the weights section of the gym at school before, and therefore I certainly didn't know the weight machines or anything about where and how to work them. UGh, the stress!

But I was a determined woman, and I fought back my urges to go back to the well known Eliptical and I walked around the weights area, reading each machine like a dork, but then doing the machines and feeling good that I could set aside the pressures of the atmosphere (an atmosphere with 50+ people owning their own workout)  and do my thing!

It was a spazzy workout, what with being overwhelmed with the atmosphere and also still being used to being back, but I felt fantastic after accomplishing the weight machines. So, after I did my weights, I did an intense ride on the spinning bikes, climbed the stair stepper for 7 mins (Lord have Mercy on my legs!), and stretched for a good 15 minutes.

Stretching is my favorite part of working out. Feeling your body's muscles relax and stretch and being able to cool down and breath. Put on the slower songs, and let the stress and tension out. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

So, that was my workout today. Hoopla!

And tomorrow morning I'm going with a girlfriend in the morning to workout! It'll be a new spin on my new workouts and I'm really looking forward to it (because no one goes to the gym in the morning!). =P

So... about my eating habits now that I'm back....

I do feel 100X better about what I'm eating now that I'm back to a slew of options, but I do find myself feeling guilty a lot, although I feel I'm not doing Sooooo bad... I try to eat fruits and vegetables as my side items but I still get whatever main dish I am craving at meal time. For example, for lunch I wanted pizza, so I got a slice of greasy pepperoni and sausage pizza, but instead of grabbing chips or other unhealthy side, I got some fruit salad, and some pickings of vegetables: 2 carrots, slice of bell pepper, cauliflower. BUT then... I got trapped at the desserts display; there was the yummy looking cherry turnover. It looked so fluffy and flaky   and tender and warm. So, I ate it. All of it. Icing on top as well... But.. it was a CHERRY turnover... =P

For snacks in the room, I have little bite sized clusters of nuts and are very yummy, but I think very good for you too. As one of my followers suggested, I found the nut clusters to be high in bother protein and fiber and they do indeed make me feel full! Other than that, I just have pop-tarts for my morning breakfast (although I haven't eaten any yet) and lot of water to drink throughout the day.

That is something I changed about my life style, wayyy long ago. I rarely drink soda, and I also keep a water bottle full in book bag and I keep a water bottle full in my dorm room. At meals, I opt for milk and teas, and the occasional fruit drink, like fruit punch or lemonade. My liquids are pretty well maintained, if I do say so myself.

Recently, I'm just happy I'm making a conscious effort to get my raw vegetables and fruit and that I made it to the gym today and have plans for the gym tomorrow, and every Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning at that!

Now I want to know ----- WHEN WILL I SEE THE WANTED RESULTS. Sigh.

I Just want to be Skinny Now!
Is that really so much to ask?